We really like your essay Chris and we'd like your permission to give the link to our Doc. in Friday Harbor.
As to too high a dose - believe it. What do we need testosterone for? To make Sperm (ha, ha,) - to become Rambos? By the sound of it each xxy is a different array of gene effects. Doesn't Sophie say that the genes are "polygenic" in that they can have synergistic effects that will vary from person to person.
It's crazy that the definitives for KS are breasts, small testes, legs and arms the same length, and diminished IQ/with language difficulties and tallness. None of these attributes have much , if anything to do with our endocrine systems or how we get along. We're also prone to outbursts of rage and crying, may be very sensitive, and all the rest of the possibilities that children are prone to. For behaving like other children with xxy they give us and them massive doses of Testosterone? Who the duck is crazy here?
80% of KS are undiagnosed - period. So the Testosterone therapy is applied only to the 20% that are diagnosed. We bet that even with increased hunt and seeking in teaching hospitals no more than 25% are diagnosed even today.
Love you guys, Tom/Ms.G